Sunday 5 February 2012

Costume for the Protagonist

we decided to dress Danni in these trainers to her youth and they also display her innocence right at the beggining as the are just a pair of 'girly grey purple an black trainers'. The style o the also indicates her family income, Danni comes from a benefit run household on a council estate which is why the trainers are not designer and are not brand new.
The black t-shirt is used to show Danni's change in character much like in psycho when the protagonists costume changes to black as she begins to do bad things.
 White shorts are used to shoot the male gaze scene as most men think that 'girls walk around in next to nothing' when they get home. The use of white also reflects the psycho to show her innocence which can be conflict with the idea of male gaze to make the audience feel awkward.
This is your typical item of clothing found in a wardrobe of a young girl especially one that grew up in a lower income family.                              
 The use of the 'hoody' is a symbol of crime and youth to the older generation. however we dressed Danni in a grey almost white hoody to show that shes still young and could lead the life of crime but also to show that she still innocent. the logo on the hoddy is also quite ironic.              

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